A foundation built on solid ground.

We excel at our mission because we have a strong value system at our core. Combined with
a comprehensive strategic plan, our agency has a clear vision of how to accomplish the
correctional goals and operational objectives we have set out to achieve.

Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities.

Our highly-skilled, diverse, and innovative workforce creates a strong foundation of safety and security. Through the principles of humanity and normalcy, we develop good neighbors.


We are responsible and transparent to the public, ourselves, and to those in our care and custody by the standards we establish, the actions we take, and the duties we perform.


We are true to our ethical standards in all circumstances.


We foster an inclusive environment where the viewpoints of employees, the public, and those in our care and custody are considered and valued.


We will strive to understand one another’s circumstances and act with empathy and by we, we mean each other as colleagues and corrections professionals and also compassion for those in our care and custody.

Correctional Excellence:

We demonstrate leadership in our corrections field through our practices and values.

The Bureau is committed to providing:

  • A safe environment for both staff and inmates,
  • Secure institutions to confine offenders and protect the public,
  • Those skills building programs we can afford, to offer inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives,
  • Service and stewardship to the public and a continued tradition of excellence,
  • Staff who are ethical, professional, well-trained, and diverse.